Just bought a car but don’t know where to begin? Buying a car is a responsibility, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. You must have a valid driving licence, Warrant of Fitness (WOF) and Vehicle Licensing Registration (Rego) in order to use your car. Without a valid Warrant of Fitness (WOF) or Registration, you can be fined $200.00 on the spot if your car is driven or parked in a public area. Read on to find out what exactly you need in order to have a valid Vehicle Licensing Registration (Rego)

Example of WOF sticker
What is the difference between a Warrant of Fitness (WOF) and Registration?
A Warrant of Fitness (WOF) is a legal requirement that focuses on the car’s ability to operate safely on the road. There is a strict list of requirements that must be met in order for your car to pass its Warrant of Fitness (WOF) inspection. Without it, there could be consequences such as the fine of at least $200, or the car failing on you while driving. It is very important to stay on top of the dates and have your car booked in for a Warrant of Fitness inspection (WOF) when nearing the WOF expiry date.
Most professional auto repair workshop will send you a Warrant of Fitness Reminder at least once (ideally twice at 6 weeks and 2 weeks) before your WOF is due to expire, so that you have time to book the car in and get the repairs done.
Vehicle Licensing Registration (Rego) on the other hand, is also an important legal requirement, but it does not consider whether the car can operate safely on the road. At the heart of it, Vehicle Licensing Registration (Rego) is a way for your car to legally be on the road. Unlike a Warrant of Fitness (WOF), Vehicle Licensing Registration (Rego) aims to show that you have responsibilities for your car. It is important to remember that the one-off Vehicle Registration is not the same thing as Vehicle Licensing Registration (Rego). Vehicle Licensing Registration is not one-off and will need to be renewed each year whilst you use the car.
What is the process for Vehicle Licensing Registration (Rego)?
Simply go online to register your vehicle, and you will receive a label to place on your cars front windscreen in the lower left hand corner. You can also renew your registration online without any further inspections such as what happens during a Warrant of Fitness (WOF). Also keep in mind that it also has an expiration date similar to the WOF, if you fail to register or renew it in time, you can be fined. In order to register your car, you must have a current Warrant of Fitness (WOF). This means, that your request to register your car will be null until your car has passed the Warrant of Fitness (WOF) test.
How can Grimmer Motors make the process easier?
We can provide you with an efficient and thorough Warrant of Fitness (WOF) inspection that will allow you to easily obtain your Vehicle Licensing Registration (Rego) with no delays. Any issues found will be dealt with long-term solutions. You can book below now online: