About Turbine Speed Sensors: Turbine speed sensors use magnets to determine the revolutions per minute (RPM) of your engine. They produce a small AC value which is used in automatic cars, power-train control modules (PCM) to help determine when to change gear....
About Knock Sensors: In order to operate correctly, combustion engines explode a mixture of fuel at accurate intervals. The purpose of a knock sensor is to detect whether the engine is pre-igniting or detonating and prematurely sparking and igniting this...
About Mass Air Flow Sensors: A Mass airflow sensor or meter is an important component in fuel injector systems, designed to help with fuel injection. The mass airflow sensor is positioned on the air intake and measures the density of air coming in through the...
About Vehicle Speed Sensors: The vehicle speed sensor is used to measure the vehicle transmission output, or wheel speeds. They are located at the transmission or trans axle. There are usually two speed sensors that work together for a more accurate result....
About Android head units: Essentially, an android head unit is an android phone or tablet, built into your car to replace the old radio/stereo system. These allow you to do most of the things you can do with a normal radio system plus much more! For example...