What does the Positive Crankcase Ventilation PCV valve do? Inside a combustion engine, many tiny explosions take place in order to release the fuel’s energy and power your car. This combustion process produces toxic and harmful gasses which can find their way...
Sorry, we no longer offer this service. 80% of New Zealand’s car child safety seats installed incorrectly: Recent surveys and inspections have shown that around 80 percent of car child safety seats in New Zealand are not fitted and installed correctly. This...
Replacing lost car keys: Losing your car keys can be frustrating for a lot of reasons. Firstly, you won’t be able to access the interior of your car. Secondly, you won’t be able to move the car from where you last parked it. For these reasons, it is...
What is the engine air intake? Combustion engines operate by burning a mixture of fuel and air. The function of the car, van or ute engine air intake system is to allow the necessary amount of air to reach your engine, allowing for correct combustion and optimal...
About diesel exhausts: Diesel-powered cars, utes or vans use a different exhaust configuration to standard petrol vehicles. This is because diesel fuel is burnt differently, and needs an exhaust system that can remove soot and other matter from the exhaust emissions....
About high fuel pressure: The fuel pump draws petrol from the fuel tank and sends it to the fuel injectors. Having the correct amount of fuel pump pressure is vital to proper engine operation and performance. This is because your engine requires a certain amount of...