CV Joints
About CV joints and boots: The constant velocity (or CV) joints are an important part of the steering and suspension system on all front-wheel drive vehicles. The inner CV joints connect the driveshaft do the transmission, while the outer CV joints connect the...
About CV joints: The Constant Velocity (CV) joints are an important part of the steering system on all front-wheel drive cars. The inner CV joints connect the driveshaft to the transmission, while the outer CV joints connect the driveshaft to the wheels. These joints...
What are car axle shafts? An axle shaft is a long, rod-shaped component that connects your car’s wheels to the transmission system. The transmission causes the CV/axle shafts to rotate, which transfers rotational energy to your car’s wheels. The axle...
What does my car’s CV joint do? The CV (constant velocity) joint, also known as a CV axle or driveshaft, plays a crucial role sending power from the engine to the wheels. This allows for smooth and continuous rotation. CV joints are primarily found in...