Have you failed your Warrant of Fitness (WOF) due to your car’s horn not working?
Having a working car horn is important to your safety, as well as other drivers and pedestrians on the road. This is because it allows you to alert others and make your vehicle’s presence known. For this reason, your car must have a working car horn in order to pass a Warrant of Fitness.
We can help you fix, replace your car’s horn so that you pass your Warrant of Fitness.
Reasons for your car’s horn to fail a Warrant of Fitness
- The horn does not make a noise when it is pressed.
- The horn makes a noise on occasions where it is not pressed.
- The sound cannot be heard from 100 metres.
- The horn’s sound is not consistent.
View all Warrant of Fitness requirements for car horns in New Zealand
Why is your car’s horn not working?

A blown fuse is the most common cause of the horn not working. Locate your fuse box and examine the fuse to see if the wire inside is still connected.
There are several different issues that can cause your horn to not work. These include:
- Blown fuse – Most cars have a fuse or relay which electricity must pass through to reach the horn. Sometimes, the fuse can blow. This will lead to the horn not producing any noise at all when pressed. Locate your car’s fuse box and examine the fuse for the horn. If the wire inside has split, the fuse will need to be replaced.
- Battery issues – Since the battery powers all electronic accessories in your car, a damaged battery/charging system can affect the operation of your horn. The battery may need to be replaced, or the terminals may need cleaning.
Alternatively, the problem may lie in one of the components which charges the battery, such as the alternator. We can help you diagnose issues in your charging system. - Clock spring not working – The clock spring is a device which allows the steering wheel to be turned while maintaining a constant electrical connection to the airbag, and horn. Problems with the clock spring can cause the Airbag/SRS light may turn on and the horn not to work or to work intermittently.
- Damage to horn wiring – Since the horn sits at the front of your car, it is prone to being exposed to water, dirt and other contaminants. This can eventually lead to corrosion of the wiring and the horn not working.
Car Horn Replacement, Servicing & WOF Work in Hamilton
Has your car failed its Warrant of Fitness due to an issue with the horn? If so, we can help you fixthe problem and get your car legal again. At Grimmer Motors, our team of talented and trusted mechanics can replace the clock spring, wiring and other components in your car’s horn, allowing it to function correctly.
For car horn inspection and replacement in Hamilton, contact Grimmer Motors today!